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KA 100% Vitamin E Cream

泰國護膚名牌KA去暗瘡痘痘印救星 15g HK$45

  • 皮膚醫生話去疤去印最有效方法係用維他命E Cream
  • KA維他命E純度極高,發揮抗氧化功效
  • 容易吸收,當中的矢車菊成份使皮膚得到適度的滋潤令肌膚更柔軟
  • 同時可以去除因暗瘡造成的疤印、傷口疤痕、黑斑。

KA Cream has the combination of Vitamin E up to 5,000 IU and natural extract from Cornflower, to solve the problem of facial skin and body skin. According to the soft cream and fast absorbing. It nourishes skin; reduce wrinkles, scar and dark spots. Use every day, facial and body skin will be freshed, smooth, radiant and look younger.

Qualification of Vitamin E up to 5,000 IU in KA Cream

  • Natural moisturizer moistens skin and making the skin look smooth and softness without wrinkles.
  • Protect the skin from UV, which is the cause for dark skin. 5,000 IU of Vitamin E is anti-oxidant that protects the occurring of free radical and also can reduce UV effect.
  • Reduce Lipid peroxidation that makes skin cell non-flexible, wrinkles, dark spots and dull-looking.
  • Reduce scar by restrain the producing of over Collagen.
  • To improve blood circulation, increase oxygen and nutrition of skin cell that give the natural white looking-skin.

KA Official Website